3kseppe: From the East Side of Savannah to the Studio Spotlight

3kseppe: From the East Side of Savannah to the Studio Spotlight

3kseppe, hailing from the east side of Savannah, Georgia, is making waves in the music industry with his unique style and genuine passion for his craft. Known as 3k for short, this artist’s journey began by observing his older cousins immersed in the world of music, setting the stage for his own artistic pursuits.

Musical Influences: Gucci Mane and OJ the Juice Man played pivotal roles in shaping 3k’s musical foundation. Growing up with his father’s frequent plays of Gucci Mane and an uncle who favored OJ the Juice Man, their sounds left an indelible mark on 3kseppe’s artistic direction.

Creative Process: 3k’s creative process is straightforward yet effective. He starts by listening to a beat, crafting his first line, and then freestyling from there. This simplicity allows his authenticity to shine through in his music.

Average Day: For 3k, an average day involves a dual focus on productivity—earning income and perfecting his craft in the studio. Balancing these aspects reflects his commitment to both the business and artistic sides of the music industry.

Collaborations: Despite enjoying solo recording sessions, 3k collaborates with other artists. His process involves careful consideration of the song, listening repeatedly, and selecting the perfect collaborator to complement the track.

Fan Interaction: Interacting with fans is a priority for 3kseppe, who engages through his clothing brand, live performances, and participation in local events like pop-up shops. This direct connection with his audience contributes to the authenticity of his brand.

Favorite and Least Favorite Aspects: 3k embraces every aspect of his musical journey—from meeting new people to late-night studio sessions. His love for the entire process is evident, making it challenging for him to pinpoint a least favorite aspect.

Dealing with Anxiety: While 3k experienced performance anxiety during his first show, the positive response from the audience quickly dispelled any fears. Releasing new music has since become an exciting moment, marked by anticipation rather than anxiety.

Tips for Aspiring Musicians: 3kseppe emphasizes the importance of handling the business side of music first—owning beats, copyrights, and lyrics. He encourages artists to take risks, step outside the box, and invest in themselves, recognizing that these bold moves can lead to unexpected opportunities.

In conclusion, 3kseppe’s journey from the east side of Savannah to the studio spotlight reflects not just his musical prowess but also his commitment to authenticity and connection with fans. As he continues to evolve in the industry, his story serves as inspiration for aspiring musicians navigating their own paths.

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